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The Door to Door Campaign for Promotion of the Candidate

  Establishing a leader’s true image, what he believes in, and his vision for the development of the constituency and constituents.
  Booklet, Invitation (candidate speech greeting card), letters and appeal should reach all households across the constituency.
  A list of Work done by your party govt and you should be dropped in every household as a booklet to keep them informed.
  A list of new voters whose names should be added to the voter list would be prepared during door to door campaign.
  Phone/Mobile no, Correspondence Address and Email of the Head of the Family would be noted down to start communication in all possible forms from all.   Gapon team will also ensure to put your hoardings and banners on the required site.

Specially customized surveys for collecting valid contact information of voters, to know voter’s mood and ensuring wide reach of the candidate. It also helps determine candidate’s caste equation and further formulate steps to ensure winning. Influential people of a constituency are determined and their contact information is collected. It also includes mass appeal for the candidate.

This kind of campaigning will boost candidate’s popularity and influence voters in favour. We ensure candidate’s success by extensive research of the data collected. This data and research work holds its validity and exclusivity for our client only. No sharing and publication of such data occurs from our side.


Gapon Communication is developing a promotional app to communicate with the voters effectively. Using this app, people can download leader’s app to express their concern, inform regarding developmental issues, the invitation can be sent quickly, and finally can help in making more party workers and volunteers.

All the details of the voters, developmental work, Household Info, Mobile numbers of the voters, caste demographics and voting trends can be managed effectively for making the analysis.


Roadshows take the party message on the road and reach votes who are otherwise not exposed to latest ads from televisions, radio, and newspaper ads. Incidentally, roadshow campaigns play a crucial role in intensifying

Candidate awareness and party’s Manifesto knowledge among a the voters. Research shows that roadshow campaigns are effective than the oft-repeated TV and radio advertisements since it gets increased response from voters.

Also, it is not an unwelcome intrusion in their day-to-day activities.


One of the most critical aspects of your political campaign is social media campaigning. Social media has caught the attention of the masses drastically, and it influences how people think about their political leaders.

Social media platforms also help in connecting you, the political leaders with the voters. The reach to voters that platforms like Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, etc., can give with just one post is enormous! As a political leader, through social media, you can share your viewpoint, thoughts, and provide updates on your events, and thus, get connected to your audiences quickly and in a seamless manner.

Gapon brings you top-notch social media political campaign for bridging the gap between you and your voters. Social media is the best and most effective connecting platform with the general populace and they are the ones who you are going to address to. Through social media, you can get better feedback and as a result, you will have better knowledge of where all the developments and the changes in your campaign should be.

You can come up with social media election campaign ideas, and we will help you get the best results by implementing them, or you can rest be assured for the complete service of social media domain campaigning. The convincing power and visibility of social media platforms are high, and hence most popular politicians throughout the India avail this realm of campaigning.

Aspects of Our Social Media Campaigning Services

Reach Wider Voting Audience – Through the robust social media political campaign that Gapon provides, you can have a broader reach to the voting audience and better aware them of your campaign. People of all age groups, social strata, gender and profiles are present on social media and this enables you to reach a diverse array of voters.

Getting feedback from voters – This is an integral part of any campaigning, and social media campaigning helps you find out what your voters think. With the help of the feedback, you will know the response of the audience, and you can further improve the campaigning.

Enhanced Engagement – Engagement with the voters is another essential aspect of the political campaign which you can get through our social media services for politicians.

Digital Media Campaign Services

Bulk SMS Dissemination – Through the bulk SMS services, we avail the best reach and impact. There are a number of things that we keep into consideration while disseminating the SMSs and they are things like the time of the SMS dispersal, the people to be sent, the proper personalization of the messages and more.

In Voice Calls – The in-voice calls from our domain has a number of benefits like we make sure that there are is proper knowledge of the campaign being delivered and also that the voters are engaged and connected to the campaigning.

Whatsapp Message Campaign – The Whatsapp is the most common and widely used messaging application today. We also serve to deliver bulk Whatsapp campaign messages as well.

Cost-Effective – There are a number of benefits from our digital media campaign services, and the cost-effectiveness is one of them as well. Due to the fact that through bulk messages there is a wider reach of the voters all at once, the cost becomes less, and the campaign can hence save considerably.

Feedback Management – The management of the feedback as well as the reaction of the voters to the campaign is also an essential thing to record and analyze. This is a great source of data, and we make sure that our professional team manages the feedback in an apt manner. Update Voters About News – Through the digital media campaigning, we update the voters and the potential voting audience about the various news and events related to the campaigning. This brings a lot of transparency in the campaign process, and even the community relation is built.